
Domino blog featuring regular news and insights from the worlds of Digital Printing and Coding and Marking.


1-minute read     Chris Thorpe

Welcome to the Domino UK blog

We’re pleased to launch the all new blog for Domino Printing in the UK! Over the coming weeks and months, we’ll be discussing all the latest printing and packaging news, as well as technical insights ...
2-minute read     Domino Printing Sciences

Ink for food packaging

Domino has produced a white paper for companies in the food supply chain entitled ‘Inks for food packaging’, to clarify the regulations and guidelines that govern use of inks for food packaging......
3-minute read     Domino Printing Sciences

USA Drug Supply Chain Security Act

In November of 2013, the Federal government in the United States passed the Drug Quality and Security Act (DQSA) to create a national pharmaceutical serialization and track & trace of which the DSCSA ...
3-minute read     Bart Vansteenkiste

China CFDA eCode

The China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) work to ensure the safety of food and healthcare products in the Chinese market. The drug regulation aims to protect patients from counterfeit pharmaceuti...
3-minute read     Bart Vansteenkiste

EU Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD 2011/62/EU)

​Adopted in 2011 the EU Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD 2011/62/EU) aims to decrease incidents of falsified medicines reaching the open market within the European Economic area resulting in improve...

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