
Domino blog featuring regular news and insights from the worlds of Digital Printing and Coding and Marking.


2-minute read     Domino Printing Sciences

6 reasons every snack manufacturer needs TTO technology

It’s quick, it’s clear and it’s extremely flexible. And when you factor in the cost-savings, it’s easy to see why Thermal Transfer Overprinting is the technology of choice for increasing numbers of sn...
4-minute read     Bart Vansteenkiste

The future of pharmaceutical data management

Pharmaceutical businesses are staring at a sea of change in the way medication is tracked. Legislation has been passed to implement item-level serialisation. Essentially each individual bottle or pack...
2-minute read     

How to label allergens on food packaging

Failure to clearly mark allergens on food packaging became a criminal offence in December 2014. The legislation applies to all 28 EU Member States and was published in 2011, giving food manufacturers ...

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