
Domino blog featuring regular news and insights from the worlds of Digital Printing and Coding and Marking.


3-minute read     Trevor Nichols

UDI in the NHS: what suppliers should know

From pharmaceuticals to surgical equipment, every product being used in the NHS should have a unique device identification (UDI) number. As a supplier, the time to get your coding standards in check i...
4-minute read     Paul Clarke

What is QuickDesign?

QuickDesign is Domino’s windows PC based message design and print control software for automated primary, secondary and tertiary marking. ...
3-minute read     Nick Alterskye

3 Powerful Reasons To Automate Keg Labelling

Profitability in the craft ale industry can come down to fine margins. But what if there was a piece of technology that allowed you to slash your operational costs? Or improve keg retention while boos...
3-minute read     Luigi Pistilli

Domino printers: better by nature?

Good for the environment, good for your bottom line. One of our most innovative printers, the A520i, has been recognised in Packaging Europe’s Sustainability Awards. ...

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