Sustainable Printing with the Cx350i: Domino Helps Customers Reduce Their Environmental Footprint

  • By Domino Printing Sciences
  • November 01, 2021
  • General
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Award-winning coding and marking supplier, Domino Printing Sciences (Domino) has highlighted company commitments to ‘Do more’ to help manufacturers achieve their sustainability goals, following the launch of the Cx350i, a new sustainably designed piezo inkjet solution for printing on secondary packaging.

“We recognize that sustainable production cannot be achieved in isolation,” says David Edwards, Product Manager – PIJ at Domino. “Product coding and marking is an integral part of all global supply chains – and as such we have an ambition and a responsibility to our customers, and to the world in general, to ensure that our products are consciously designed to minimize their environmental impact.”

“The Cx350i has been designed with these ambitions and responsibilities in mind – it offers our customers a sustainable solution for direct printing on boxes and sets a new standard for product development at Domino” continues Edwards. “The printer is optimized to ensure maximum code quality with minimal ink usage and has been designed to work exclusively with low-impact vegetable-oil-based printing inks – the result is sustainable printing without compromising on quality.”

Domino Cx350i code on a box

Improved print quality using less ink

The Cx350i has been optimized to achieve a 33% reduction in ink usage for barcodes printed at 200dpi when compared with Domino’s previous generation secondary packaging printers. As barcode quality is a top priority for manufacturers when printing on boxes, Domino has worked to develop a solution that matches the resolution of previous generation coders but delivers a far superior code in terms of print quality.

“While resolution relates only to the number of ink dots per inch, overall print quality is also determined by ink drop size, drop placement, and the ink itself,” says Edwards. “With the Cx350i we worked to optimize all the factors which influence print quality – improved drop size and ink placement – and new and improved inks have allowed us to reduce the overall quantity of ink needed to produce high-quality codes time after time.”

In addition, the Cx350i requires far less frequent purging than previous piezo inkjet printers, which further reduces ink waste. The printer also offers flexibility with respect to printer settings, with options to further reduce ink usage dependent on specific customer requirements. Customers can choose from a large range of text fonts and sizes and have the freedom to manually reduce ink drop size.

Sustainable vegetable-oil-based printing inks

The Cx350i utilizes exclusively sustainable vegetable-oil-based printing inks, specifically developed to aid in the safe recycling of cardboard packaging. With global demand for recycled cardboard increasing year on year, it is imperative that the industry move away from the use of mineral-oil-based solutions, which contribute to a rise in harmful mineral-oil concentration in recycled pulp products.

Domino supports a move away from mineral-oil-based inks and as such, is investing in sustainable alternatives to mineral oils, including vegetable-oil-based solutions, for all current and future product development. The new vegetable-oil-based printing inks for the Cx350i comply with current proposals for mineral oil regulations outlined by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

Vegetable-oil-based printing inks are also less polluting than mineral oils – with a reduced volatile organic compound (VOC) content. VOCs are polluting gases that can affect indoor air quality, and also contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone and methane. With less than 10% VOC content Domino’s new inks are considered low-VOC and represent a 70% reduction in VOC content compared with previous mineral-oil-based solutions.

Domino's Cx350i

“You might think that sustainability would come as a compromise to performance – however, this is not the case,” says Edwards. “Our new ink offers premium results in terms of contrast and adherence and has been through extensive field testing to ensure optimal longevity so manufacturers can be sure of a high-quality code which will stand the test of time.”

“As a coding and marking supplier, we have a key role to play in promoting sustainable consumption and production processes and recognize that our customers can only achieve their sustainability goals with our collaboration and support,” says Edwards. “That’s why, as a company, we are committed to creating reliable solutions – like the Cx350i – that have a minimal impact on the environment and are designed to drive out waste, reduce errors, and promote efficiency.”

For more information on the Cx350i please visit the website or contact the team directly to discuss how Domino can help you to achieve your sustainability goals.

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