Printing on Resealable Pouches

From candies and nuts to dried fruits and meats, Resealable Pouches are a popular form factor for packaging

Domino's Dependable CIJs may be the answer for your pouches

Production and promo codes are easy to apply to confectionery pouches using a Domino printer from our Ax-Series of continuous inkjet (CIJ) printers. If you produce candies or any other sugary foodstuffs, our higher end Ax350i and 550i models may be the answer. These industrial inkjets are specifically built to withstand challenges of working in sugary or syrupy environments.

These CIJs can be washed down in situ thanks to their durable IP66 rating. In addition, they are perfectly safe - codes are applied using food-grade quality inks that are fast drying for speed and efficiency when packing the finished product.

Our printers are also easy to set up and adapt for changing production schedules, and are virtually maintenance-free. Continuous uptime and availability help reduce cost of use, as does the built-in technology that maximizes ink performance and minimizes waste.

Design the Perfect Code with Domino Automation

Our Automation and Integration Services help make the coding process safer and prevent errors from happening.

Domino Automation and Designer, our software tools for centralized label management and automated deployment, are designed to boost your production efficiency: streamline operations and minimize waste.

Using Domino Automation you can create messages centrally and automatically pass them down to all Domino printers on your production.

  • Design and manage labels at a single location: our intuitive label design system enables using a universal interface, keeping training needs at a minimum.
  • Easily manage users and their permissions: security features like Active Directory Integration enable using your existing IT network, and simplify user management.
  • Full audit trail for the management of production changes: version control provides the ability for approval and roll-back procedures.