Jeff Cheatham

Regional Manager


Jeff Cheatham is a longtime sales pro within in the Coding and Marking industry with over 20 years of experience with Domino alone. Jeff has built a successful career by putting customers first – listening to understand needs and designing solutions that solve problems.

Jeff is a proud graduate of Michigan State University, schooled in packaging and marketing communications. This unique history continues to provide Jeff with exceptional insight and skill at serving customers in special ways.

Articles from Jeff Cheatham

What are the best technologies for coding onto cartons?

Cartons are extremely important in both the food and pharmaceutical sectors. That's why the ability to apply clear, durable codes at variable - and often high - speeds is crucial to operational success. What are the best technologies for coding onto cartons – and how do they tackle the unique coding challenges of these industries?


What is the best coder for shrink wrap?

Shrink wrap is everywhere in packaging. But how do you ensure that your newly shrink-wrapped product is nice, cozy and traceable? By ensuring that it's paired up with the perfect coder. Which one is that? Well, it depends on your company's specific needs.