Luigi Pistilli


Luigi 'Gino' Pistilli started his career at Domino in 1989 and brings vast experience, technical expertise and commercial success to the business. His first role was as a technician in Domino's wet test area, and rose through the ranks in Service, Technical Help Desk and Systems Management roles. He then excelled under a commercial remit in business development roles, with a forte in secondary and tertiary coding and labelling product sales. Gino is now Domino UK's Head of Sales.

Articles from Luigi Pistilli

Behind Our Printers: In conversation with Domino’s UK General Manager

It’s our people that have enabled us to become a world leader in printing and labelling solutions. In the first of a new series that reveals the people behind our printers, we sit down for a conversation with Domino’s recently appointed UK General Manager - Luigi Pistilli.


Secondary packaging: solutions for coding onto outer cases

Coding onto outer casing? It needn’t be so laborious. Bringing more automation to your coding operations will reduce errors, costs and save considerable hours. Let’s compare four different technologies for coding onto case-level packaging and explain how they could transform your business.


Guide to types of coding and late stage customisation on secondary packaging

Manufacturers rely heavily on brand image and marketing to shift units. The look and feel of primary packaging is tightly woven into any retail strategy. But another equally crucial, yet less immediately apparent part of sales success is secondary and tertiary packaging.


Number’s up: How product identification coding is changing for the better

Product identification is changing fast. For modern manufacturers, there’s more to it than simple lot numbers and GTINs. The new culture of coding can improve customer loyalty, boost brand exposure, simplify supply chain management and combat counterfeit trading. Here’s how.


Coding and Product Identification Is Changing for the Better

Product identification is changing fast. For modern manufacturers, there’s more to it than simple lot numbers and GTINs. The new culture of coding can improve customer loyalty, boost brand exposure, simplify supply chain management and combat counterfeit trading. Here’s how.


One way to improve your production line and coding efficiency

It’s the simplest formula in manufacturing. Boost the efficiency of your production line, boost your profits. However you don’t always need expensive new hardware to streamline operations on your factory floor.


Domino printers: better by nature?

Good for the environment, good for your bottom line. One of our most innovative printers, the A520i, has been recognised in Packaging Europe’s Sustainability Awards.