Based on the company’s positive relationship with Domino, spanning almost two decades, the factory in Kahla purchased two further V320i TTO printers. These are the latest generation of the Domino V-Series and are used as replacement devices when existing systems are being serviced.
“We have been extremely happy with the entire range of Domino’s services for many years, because Domino simply offers more. We have a long-standing and established relationship with Domino and have used their ink jet coders for almost two decades.” Frank BlankenburgFrank Blankenburg
Tried-and-tested inkjet coding for diverse packaging types

Domino’s V-Series prints large-surface onto flexible vertical and horizontal moulding, filling and sealing machines. Integrated into tubular bagging machines, the V-Series TTO prints label foil biscuit wrappers with best before dates, and time and batch information. It can print a range of data, including text, barcodes and logos, at various speeds either in intermittent or continuous operation, and is able to quickly switch between left-hand and right-hand configurations. This flexibility, combined with its cleanliness, durability and low maintenance requirements, means the V-Series TTO is key to the packaging process at the Kahla factory for a wide variety of baked goods.
Four V300+ systems and two further TTO printers are used on the production lines. They run continuously seven days a week and, at a length of 1,400m, boast the longest ribbon rolls in the industry. This ensures longer uninterrupted production times. The data to be printed is entered via an intuitive TouchPanel, so the wrappers are coded before the biscuits are wrapped and sealed. The tried-and-tested Domino A-Series inkjet coders are used to print further foil wrappers and to mark cardboard biscuit packages at the Griesson factory, where they are integrated into a tubular bagging machine and print the required information onto the packages on the conveyor belt of a packaging machine.
A further high-performance inkjet coder is used on the conveyor belt of a cartoner to mark cardboard outer packages, each containing 12 individual biscuit wrappers. In order to maximise the reliability and performance of the Domino equipment, each system installed at the factory in Kahla has a maintenance contract, which means that service intervals are monitored by Domino.
“We have a contact for all eventualities, and that is extremely important to us. Whether it’s Sales, Service or the technical hotline, expert advice is only a phone call away.” Frank BlankenburgFrank Blankenburg