Domino D-Series tests huge success for Adelholzner Alpenquellen

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From their factory nestled at the feet of the Bavarian Alps, Adelholzner Alpenquellen has been bottling and distributing mountain spring water for almost a century. Wholly owned by a religious order, the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, the plant currently operates seven production lines and is capable of filling 240,000 bottles of water an hour.

With a focus on innovation, the company had made big investments in new machinery, but felt hampered by the poor quality of the laser printers they were using. Turning to Domino for help, the two companies began working together in 1998, developing printing solutions for Adelhozner’s wide range of labels and bottle types. When Domino announced the imminent launch of their innovative D-Series line of laser printers, the company was keen to get involved.

Adelhozner worked closely with Domino in their print labs, creating labels that tested the D-Series printers for quality and speed across different materials. They were particularly interested in testing how the lasers performed on the metallic labels they needed to apply, as well as seeing how the machines could reduce maintenance expenses, save costs and increase overall efficiency of their plants.

Over the course of the test phase, the D-Series units outshone Adelhozner’s expectations. Better still, the new printers could be installed directly into their existing production lines, reducing installation costs and giving them maximum flexibility to move units around as required.

“The test results created in the sample laboratory at the Domino laser competence centre convinced us of the performance capacity of the i-Tech generation of lasers, especially the D620i laser coder...”

Adelhozner now run a full suite of Domino printers. One D620i unit prints labels for reusable PET bottles, while another handles metallic labels on reusable glass jars. They have a D320i to mark their ActiveO2 branded bottles with filling information, with each system controlled by Domino’s TouchPanel, its simplified QuickStep interface reducing the need for operator intervention.

And, should a breakdown ever happen, they also invested in a back-up system that can be used across both PET and glass bottle production lines. Production shall never cease…


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